Virtual Rejekts 2020

Kubernetes Ingress-Nginx Security from Beginner to Expert
2020-04-01 , Track 1 (UTC)

In Kubernetes the Ingress-Nginx Controller is one of the most deployed Ingress Controller. It is the gateway to your applications, the metaphorical door person right outside. Securing it is crucial to the overall Security of your Cloud, yet many times it is not properly configured, leaving it vulnerable to a variety of attacks.

This presentation will go over the various ways of securing your application with the Ingress-Nginx Controller. Examples can be found here:

This presentation will cover:

  • Explaining what ingress is and how it works
  • How to configure the ingress controller
  • How to enhance ingress security (Basic Auth, Mutual Auth, WAF, etc.)
  • How to troubleshoot errors with the ingress controller

Fernando is a Technical Marketing Manager at Gitlab. He's passionate about OpenSource and has contributed to several OpenStack and Kubernetes Projects.

In the past he was an OpenStack Core Contributor, focusing on Barbican(Key Management) Development and has spoken and held workshops at several OpenStack Summits.

Currently resides in Austin, Texas and helps keep Austin weird.