Abdel Sghiouar is a senior Cloud Developer Advocate @Google Cloud. His focused areas are GKE/Kubernetes, Service Mesh and Serverless. Abdel started his career in datacenters and infrastructure in Morocco where he is originally. Before moving to Google's largest EU datacenter in Belgium. Then in Sweden he joined Google Cloud Professional Services and spent 5 years working with Google Cloud customers on architecting and designing large scale distributed systems before turning to advocacy and community work.
- SLSA, SigStore, SBOM and Software Supply Chain Security. What does that all mean really ?

Abel is a physics graduate and a developer by passion. He enjoys writing articles and has also been an editor for the state of the web report, the Web Almanac 2022. He loves to tinker around with software tools and build fascinating projects. As a self-taught developer, he owes his growth to community and open-source.
- Now You Can Do Fine Grained Authorization With Open-Source

This is the bio that I’m using now:
Adriana Villela is a Sr. Developer Advocate at Lightstep, with over 20 years of experience in technology. She focuses on helping companies achieve reliability greatness by leveraging Observability, SRE, and DevOps practices. Before Lightstep, she was a Sr. Manager at Tucows, running both a Platform Engineering team, and an Observability Practices team. Adriana has also worked at various large-scale enterprises, in both individual contributor and leadership roles, including Bank of Montreal, Ceridian, and Accenture. Adriana has a popular technical blog on Medium, co-leads the OpenTelemetry End-User Working Group, is a HashiCorp Ambassador, and co-host of the On-Call Me Maybe Podcast (oncallmemaybe.com). You can find her on Twitter at @adrianamvillela to talk all things tech.
- Landing Among the Stars: How Community Powers the Adoption of Open Source

Alex is a respected expert on serverless and cloud native computing. He founded OpenFaaS, one of the most popular open-source serverless projects, where he has built a community through writing, speaking, and extensive personal engagement. As a technologist, he helps companies around the world build great developer experiences and navigate the cloud native landscape.
- Face off: VMs vs. Containers vs Firecracker
Alex Williams is founder and editor in chief of The New Stack. He's a longtime technology journalist who did stints at TechCrunch, SiliconAngle and what is now known as ReadWrite. Alex has been a journalist since the late 1980s, starting at the Augusta Chronicle in 1989 after completing his master's degree from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. Early in his career, he reported for newspapers in New York and Oregon, worked for a magazine writing about home textiles (ask him about it some time) and spent a year as a television business news anchor. Alex's online career began in 2003 when he did a web event called RSS WinterFest, which was followed by Podcast Hotel, an event all about the intersection of art and commerce and the impact digital media has on independent culture. While in college, Alex played baseball in France, which led him to writing stories of his experiences, and eventually a career in journalism.
- Panel: The End of Programming

Amanda Brock is CEO of OpenUK the UK organisation for the business of Open Technology – open source software, open hardware and open data - with a purpose of UK Leadership and International Collaboration in Open Technology and she is the Executive Producer of State of Open Con https://stateofopencon.com/
She is a Board Member of the Open Source Initiative; appointed member of the Cabinet Office's Open Standards Board; Member of the British Computer Society Inaugural Influence Board; Advisory Board Member, Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance and Mimoto; and European Representative of the Open Invention Network.
A lawyer of 25 years’ experience, she previously chaired the Open Source and IP Advisory Group of the United Nations Technology Innovation Labs, sat on the OASIS Open Projects and UK Government Energy Sector Digitalisation Task Force Advisory Boards. She was General Counsel of Canonical for 5 years from 2008 and set up their legal function.
Amanda is a judge in the IDG Foundry CIO 100 2023 having been a Judge in the We are Tech Women Rising Star Awards 2020-22. She was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Women, Influence & Power in Law Awards UK 2022, and included in Computer Weekly’s Most Influential Women in Tech Long list in 2021 and 2022 and in their UK Tech50 Influencers longlist for 2022. She was included in the 2022 https://heroes.involverolemodels.org/ Involve HERoes list of 100 global women executives driving change by example.
She is the editor of Open Source Law, Policy and Practice (2nd edition) published by Oxford University Press in October 2022, with open access thanks to the Vietsch Foundation https://amandabrock.com/books/.
- Will Open Source Fail?

- Opening for Cloud Native Rejekts EU 2023

Austin Parker has been creating problems with computers for the majority of his life. In a stunning face turn, he instead has spent the past five years helping others solve the problems that computers create. Formerly an SRE and DevOps Engineer, he now focuses on observability topics and shitposting on the internet. He is an OpenTelemetry maintainer and community manager, an author, event organizer, public speaker, and general bon vivant.
- Landing Among the Stars: How Community Powers the Adoption of Open Source

Bobur is a developer advocate for one of the fastest-growing projects of Apache Software Foundation, speaker, and mentor specializing in software engineering and leading developer audience. With over 9 years of experience in IT, he blogs about technology and the community around it. Bobur likes teaching as he learns new things and is always available for side collaborations and talks worldwide.
- Powering AI Capabilities with API Management
Brooks is a Lead Software Engineer at Cosmonic, focusing on harnessing WebAssembly to alleviate the pains of modern software development. Brooks started his software development career with Critical Stack, a Kubernetes container orchestration platform that is now open source. He joined Cosmonic to focus on bringing WebAssembly and wasmCloud to the Cloud Native world full-time. He is a proud Rustacean and an advocate of all-things open source.
- Using WebAssembly Now: It's Easier Than You Think
- eBPF System Inspection with Inspektor Gadget
Cody has served in multiple Kubernetes and cloud native leadership roles product management at Cisco (product managing ACI-CNI), VMware (product managing Antrea), and JP Morgan Chase (product managing container security). He has championed Kubernetes network policy approaches starting from his early tenure building Calico solutions for fintechs and other enterprises at Tigera but has always wanted to find a simpler way of building secure service graphs that focused on unifying identity management.
- Connecting Microservices The Easy Way - A Paradigm Shift

Horovits lives at the intersection of technology, product and innovation. With over 20 years in the hi-tech industry as a software developer, a solutions architect and a product manager, he brings a wealth of knowledge in cloud computing, big data solutions, DevOps practices and more.
Horovits is an avid advocate of open source software, open standards and communities. Horovits is an advocate of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), an organizer of the CNCF Tel-Aviv meetup group, a podcaster at OpenObservability Talks, and a blogger, among others.
Currently working as the principal developer advocate at Logz.io, Horovits evangelizes on Observability in IT systems using popular open source projects such as Prometheus, OpenSearch, Jaeger and OpenTelemetry.
- What’s New in OpenTelemetry

Giovanni Galloro has worked at Google since 2017 as an Application Modernization Customer Engineer. He helps different kinds of organizations deploy new applications or modernize existing ones, using containers, Kubernetes, GKE, Istio, Continuous Delivery and all the tools and practices related to DevOps and Cloud Native architectures.
Before Google, he worked at Microsoft, Red Hat, VMware and HP, following the evolution of application platforms over the past 20 years.
- Skaffold explained: How to to optimize container development, build and deployment
- Versioning CRDs: The good, the bad and the ugly
Hannah is Product Director for Snyk Container. With over a decade of DevOps behind us, Hannah continues to champion the human and cultural elements of technology transformation, shining a light on the engineering practices that make life better for the people involved in platform engineering. Hannah is co-organiser for DevOpsDays London and is an Open UK ambassador and community leader.
- 5 Product Management Practices for Platform Teams

Jake has over five years of experience working in the Kubernetes and the platform space. He started his career working on CloudFoundry, a popular CNCF Platform as a Service project. He then went on to work at Weaveworks where he worked on the open source project EKSctl, which is a CLI for provisioning Kubernetes clusters on AWS. Jake is now at Syntasso, which is a startup focussed on helping organisations develop their Platform as a Product
- Building internal platforms with multi-cluster Kubernetes
Jan is a Software Engineer at Red Hat. One of the approvers and developers in the Descheduler project. Jan has been involved in the Kubernetes project for many years. Mainly focusing on the scheduling area. Excited about computer science and code analysis.
- Descheduler: Your pods in the right place, all the time
John has been working in the tech and cloud industry for a while and is currently leading the internal microservices and developer platform at Wehkamp. He is passionate about open source software and communities and tries to get teams to embrace open standards and systems for the betterment of us all.
- Proxy-wasm with Istio is half-baked but works great!

Karthik has been involved in the design and production adoption of abstractions used for cloud-native network security approaches since the early days of Kubernetes, and has guided the architecture of numerous high-profile deployments of Kubernetes network security and service mesh/mTLS deployments. He has been a product advisor for a number of early stage startups and assisted with design, community launch, and operational rollout of a number of widely adopted cloud-native runtime and network security products.
- Lightweight mTLS without Proxies, Sidecars or Complexity

Lian always wanted to save the world
After a failed attempt at becoming a lawyer, she decided to do something with computers instead. Working as a Fullstack Software Engineer, she got into attending tech events and giving talks on Machine Learning. During this time, she fell in love with the tech community and discovered her passion for building community and providing a safe and productive environment for all, which led to her co-organising the community conference ServerlessDays Amsterdam.
Currently, Lian lives in Amsterdam and works as Developer Advocate at Loft Labs, trying to make developing on Kubernetes easy and fun.
- Systems Thinking for Dev Organizations

Lucas is a Software Engineer at Red Hat and one of the developers involved in the Descheduler Framework effort. Lucas is passionate about Open Source and the community around it and is also involved as the maintainer of some other projects in the Cloud Native space. Lucas is also one of the creators of External Secrets Operator and worked as an Sys Admin and later SRE before getting his foot into OSS contribution.
- Descheduler: Your pods in the right place, all the time
- Versioning CRDs: The good, the bad and the ugly

Manuela is a certified FinOps consultant responsible for gaining cost transparency across projects and cloud providers and visibility of optimization potentials and efficiency strategies among stakeholders within an organization.
Manuela is specialized on cloud spend and usage analysis. Her expertise focus: Optimization of account assignability, investigation on cloud cost and resource usage, spotlighting inefficiences and developing optimization approaches and creating individual reporting, cost allocation and tagging strategies. Due to her passion for the topic and being public speaker in the field, she also provides the necessary skillset to evangilize the practice throughout the organization and help building a sustainable community that drives the cloud efficiency from within.
- It doesn’t end with Autoscaling – Why IT Engineers needs to back FinOps
- Opening for Cloud Native Rejekts EU 2023

Marvin is a sysadmin turned software engineer at Kubermatic with a passion for effective management of large server fleets for running applications on top of them, which has turned his attention to Kubernetes in 2018. He has been a CKA since February 2019 and has been working on various managed Kubernetes offerings, including integration of cutting edge technologies like Cluster API.
- Ephemeral Containers in Action - Running a Go Debugger in Kubernetes

Mary is a software engineer on the Infrastructure team at Chronosphere, where her main focus is making their engineers more efficient. Previously worked for Uber in Denmark, where she discovered a serious passion for building good tools for engineers and improving her skills at the foosball table. Mary is a natural storyteller with the ability to bring complex topics into focus for all levels of understanding.
- Evolution of deployment tooling @ Chronosphere
Knative Steering Committee member for the Knative Project, Knative Functions Co-Lead, and working on the Dapr.io project at @Diagrid. Manning Book Author: Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes. Previously I worked at VMware and Red Hat building tools to help developers be more productive.
- Lessons learnt from creating platforms on Kubernetes

Max is Co-Founder and Cloud Native Advocate at Liquid Reply. He is Co-Chair of the CNCF Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group and served 3 years at the Kubernetes release team. Besides, he is part of different OSS Advisory Boards. His focus is on designing and building cloud-native solutions on/with Kubernetes and platform engineering to simplify the current challenges of complex systems.
- Why Developer Platforms and a dedicated Platform Engineering team is a must have
Max is an SRE focused on automated compute / baremetal management, CAPI Integration, PaaS components and CD for platform at Deutsche Telekom's "Das SCHIFF".
He joined DT in mid 2019 as one of the first members of the platform team and was instrumental in defining its direction, including GitOps based management. In his free time he likes to tinker with networking and embedded hardware.
- GitOps, Fail, Repeat – Lessons Learned From Running a Heterogeneous Platform

Developer Advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with focused interests like Rich Internet Applications, Testing, CI/CD and DevOps. Also double as a trainer and triples as a book author.
- Getting hands-on with the new Kubernetes Gateway API

Nnenna Ndukwe is a Developer Advocate at Slim.AI, a cybersecurity startup focused on automating container optimization to improve the security and efficacy of code for developers. Prior to joining the cloud native & security space, she worked in edtech, fintech, and medtech as a Software Engineer. Her career journey transformed when she left Tanning Consulting in Houston, Texas to move to Boston and began teaching herself how to code. Her unconventional path into tech naturally led her to create content about her journey. She enjoys speaking, writing, volunteering, fitness, and connecting with the global tech community.
- 5 Security Best Practices For Production Ready Containers
Paige Cruz is a Senior Developer Advocate at Chronosphere. She is passionate about cultivating sustainable on-call practices and debugging production with distributed tracing. Off-the-clock you can find her spinning yarn, swooning over alpacas, or watching trash TV on Bravo.
- Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Platform Engineer at Elotl, Kubernetes & Go fan and amateur squash player. Likes to disassemble and reassemble the software.
- The missing piece of your GitOps pipeline

Prateek is a software engineer at Nirmata. He is the core contributor and maintainer of Kyverno and other open source projects like OpenEBS. Along with he contributes to Kubernetes storage and API-machinery working groups.
Prateek is passionate about cloud natives technologies and running distributed workloads at scale using Kubernetes. When not coding, Prateek works on contributing to the community by writing blogs and organising local meetups for Kubernetes and CNCF.
- Kyverno: The Key to Securing Your Kubernetes Supply Chain

Rachid is a cloud expert involved in multiple opensource experts program Docker Captain, Microsoft MVP, Snyk ambassador, ...and also an international speaker and trainer
In his previous roles as head of the infrastructure team for the French registry and C.I.O of a worldwide
recognized CRM and E-COMMERCE agency, he recognized the need to bring the latest technology at a production level to businesses of all sizes and founded sevensphere.
Through sevensphere, Rachid offers training and consultancy for companies striving to dive into microservices container based infrastructure.
Husband and father, Rachid spends his spare time, participating in a number of OSS communities, teaching cloud computing architecture at a software engineering school.
- Large Scale Kubernetes Deployment: Leverage the Power of the Cluster-API
Rafael enjoys building cloud native software, products, and technology at SAP. He was one of the early adopters of Kubernetes Operators and Kubernetes extension concepts. At SAP, he maintains the core implementation of Project Gardener, SAP’s open source solution for automating the provisioning and lifecycle management of thousands of Kubernetes clusters. Prior to working on Kubernetes, Rafael was working on Cloud Foundry and evaluating other container orchestration tools.
- Credentials Rotation in Kubernetes – Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces
Reese Lee joined the OpenTelemetry team at New Relic in 2021, bringing along her enthusiasm for providing quality technical support and enablement for observability end users. She primarily works in the OpenTelemetry End User Working Group to help increase awareness and adoption of the software, including running the monthly End User Discussion Group. She has spoken on topics related to the project, and is excited to contribute more to the OpenTelemetry community.
- Landing Among the Stars: How Community Powers the Adoption of Open Source
I am a Developer Advocate at solo.io, and a Community evangelist running Keep Up as well as the DevOps community to empower students and professionals to succeed in their careers. As a speaker and panelist, I am actively participating in various conferences to bring awareness around DevOps, Security, and Application networking.
- Security & observability for all apps - combining the Cilium & Kernel powers
Roman is a software engineer with experience in distributed systems, databases, monitoring, and high-performance microservices. Roman's passion is open source and he's proud to have contributions to Prometheus, Grafana, and ClickHouse. Currently, Roman is working on the open source time series database and monitoring solution VictoriaMetrics.
- Kubernetes monitoring: why it is difficult and how to improve it

Rynn Mancuso is the developer community manager at Honeycomb.io, one of the leaders of OpenTelemetry’s End User Working Group, and a CNCF Ambassador. Before joining Honeycomb, they led developer communities at New Relic, Tidelift, Mozilla and Wikimedia. They also actively contribute to the Organization for Ethical Source.
- Landing Among the Stars: How Community Powers the Adoption of Open Source
Salman works as an MLOps Engineer at Appvia and a Kuberenetes Instructor at Learnk8s. He has worked with a number of organisations in setting up Machine Learning platforms for teams to operate at scale. He co-founded Cloud Native Wales community. You can also find him on YouTube as Soulman Iqbal where he tries to explain cloud native concepts by simplifying them.
- Lessons learnt from creating platforms on Kubernetes
- Kubernetes API Explained
Selvi Kadirvel is a Platform Architect and Engineer at Elotl. Prior to this, she has served as a Technical Lead at Cisco and a founding engineer at ContainerX, where she helped design and build out their Kubernetes & container management platform.
She has 14 years of experience in the fields of distributed systems, virtualization and the application of machine-learning for systems management. She holds a PhD and Master's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Florida.
- The missing piece of your GitOps pipeline

Shivay Lamba is a software developer specializing in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development.
He is an Open Source Enthusiast and has been part of various programs like Google Code In and Google Summer of Code as a Mentor and has also been a MLH Fellow. He is actively involved in community work as well. He is a TensorflowJS SIG member, Mentor in OpenMined and CNCF Service Mesh Community, SODA Foundation and has given talks at various conferences like Github Satellite, Voice Global, Fossasia Tech Summit, TensorflowJS Show & Tell.
- Security & observability for all apps - combining the Cilium & Kernel powers

Simon is a Kubernetes Cloud consultant at SysEleven working on improving the customer journey. He supported building MetaKube SysEleven's managed Kubernetes platform. Which currently hosts over 300 Kubernetes clusters. He resides in Berlin, Germany with his partner and their daughter Stella. Hobbies and interests include Cyclocross, Gravel cycling, gaming, Linux and home automation.
- Managing and securing Kubernetes secrets
Taylor Thomas is an Engineering Director working on WebAssembly platforms at Cosmonic. He actively participates in the open source community and is one of the creators of Krustlet and Bindle. He is currently core maintainer of wasmCloud, Bindle, and Krustlet. He is a regular speaker at various open source conferences and meetups, including various KubeCons and local meetup groups. His work at Intel, Nike, and Microsoft spanned various containers and Kubernetes platforms as well as WebAssembly platforms and experimentation. He currently lives in the Utah area in the US and enjoys hiking and camping.
- Using WebAssembly Now: It's Easier Than You Think
- WebAssembly: A Recovering Kubernetes Engineer's View of the Future

Thomas is an experienced technical leader, architect, and mentor focused on the Cloud Computing domain. He is Tech Lead of the CNCF TAG App Delivery, a contributor to the OpenFeature Project, CDF Ambassador, and co-author of the CNCF Operator White Paper. As a Maintainer for the Keptn Project, Thomas is searching and working on new ways to make cloud-native application delivery more reliable and comfortable.
- How to Deploy at Friday Night: Controlling GitOps with the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit
Software Architect specialized in building modern, cloud native, robust, and secure enterprise applications and author of Cloud Native Spring in Action, published by Manning.
Thomas Vitale designs and develops software solutions at Systematic, Denmark, where he’s been working on modernizing platforms and applications for the cloud native world, focusing on developer experience and security. Some of his main interests and focus areas are Java, Spring Boot, Kubernetes, Knative, and cloud native technologies in general. Thomas supports continuous delivery practices and believes in a collaborative culture aimed at working together to deliver value to users, customers, and businesses.
He likes contributing to open source projects like Spring, Carvel, Buildpacks, and sharing knowledge with the community. Thomas has an MSc in Computer Engineering specializing in software from the Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy). He is a CNCF Certified Kubernetes Application Developer, Pivotal Certified Spring Professional, and RedHat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development. His speaking engagements include those for SpringOne, Spring I/O, KubeCon+CloudNativeCon, Devoxx, GOTO, JBCNConf, DevTalks, and J4K.
- Paved Paths to Production – There and Back Again
Tim loves designing, developing, and operating cloud native systems at STACKIT. He is knee-deep in managing infrastructure and Kubernetes clusters themselves using Kubernetes operators. Tim is a core developer and maintainer of Gardener, an open source project for managing Kubernetes clusters at scale. Before joining the STACKIT Kubernetes Engine team, he was part of the Gardener team at SAP. Besides work, he is pursuing a master's degree in computer science.
- Credentials Rotation in Kubernetes – Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces

Unnati is working as a Member Of Technical Staff-2 at VMware, India. Recently graduated from college, currently working with the Release Engg team of the VMware product- Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. She has been active in Open Source community since 2019 and has also participated in many Hackathons, bagging prizes in few of them. She enjoys giving talks at local conferences. When not working, she enjoys dancing and making Tech YouTube videos.
- Deploying with Confidence: Best Practices with Argo CD

Vanessa is a Manager leading the FinOps topic within Liquid Reply. She works with many different clients, from SMEs to large corporations in the insurance and automotive industry, developing and implementing the FinOps strategy with clients using AWS, Azure, GCP or multi-cloud. Her focus is on the optimization of used cloud resources, with a special interest in the topic of GreenOps. As thought lead for the topic, she continuously shares her accumulated experience and knowledge in webinars and trainings.
- It doesn’t end with Autoscaling – Why IT Engineers needs to back FinOps

Viktor Farcic is a Developer Advocate at Upbound, a member of the Google Developer Experts, CDF Ambassadors, and GitHub Stars groups, and a published author.
He is a host of the YouTube channel DevOps Toolkit and a co-host of DevOps Paradox.
- How To Fight Misconfiguration And Bad Intentions With Kubernetes Validating Admission Policy And Crossplane

Whitney is a lovable goofball who enjoys understanding and using tools in the cloud native landscape, so much so that she was recently selected to be a CNCF Ambassador. Creative and driven, Whitney recently pivoted from an art-related career to one in tech. This past fall, Whitney co-presented a silly-yet-informative keynote about platform building at Kubecon NA 2022. You can catch her lightboard streaming show ⚡️ Enlightning on Tanzu.TV, and she also co-hosts the streaming show You Choose! - a 'Choose-Your-Own-Adventure'-style journey through the CNCF landscape. And not only does Whitney rock at tech - she literally has toured playing in the band Mutual Benefit on keyboards and vocals.
- How To Fight Misconfiguration And Bad Intentions With Kubernetes Validating Admission Policy And Crossplane

Winna is a Principal Engineer at Syntasso delivering Kratix, an open-source framework for building internal platforms on Kubernetes. She’s using what she learned about how teams work from her years of teaching extreme programming and pairing with customer application development teams at places like Fortnum & Mason, BMW, Allianz, Sainsbury’s, and others. She’s using what she learned about how platforms work from her years as an engineer and in engineering leadership with CloudFoundry. And before all of that, she came to tech via design and user research. She’s happy that she can wear all the different hats her experience has given her to help build a first-class tool that enables platform teams to deliver high value and enjoy their work in the process.
Outside of work, Winna mostly tries to keep up with her two young girls whilst maintaining her sanity.
- Building internal platforms with multi-cluster Kubernetes