Mario Loriedo
Mario is a software engineer and architect at Red Hat. He works on container-based developer tools to accelerate software development. He leads the open source project Eclipse Che.
Infrastructure as code. Network as code. Everything as a code. It looks like everything can be defined as code, versioned and tested automatically. Everything except development environments. The industry hasn’t come up with a file format to define software environments yet.
Red Hat, AWS and JetBrains are introducing the Devfile. The goal is to accelerate and simplify developers' environment setup. Vagrantfiles and Dockerfiles set the path, a decade ago, with file formats defining general purpose computing environments. Devfile wants to be a file format specialized in the definition of software development environments.
What if development tools, including the IDE and application runtimes could be specified with a declarative syntax? If containers were used as the developers lingua franca and Kubernetes as their platform? Those are the ideas behind DevWorkspaces: containerized development environments running on Kubernetes.