Kubernetes as entities: Applying Systems Thinking to observe K8s Beyond Metrics, Traces and Logs
03-18, 10:05–10:35 (Europe/Paris), Arena

Imagine navigating a bustling city, traditional observability is like relying on street signs, traffic lights, and a map —useful, but overwhelming with data. Our talk explores the shift to Systems Thinking, akin to seeing the city as an interconnected system rather than just individual signs and lights.

We will explore the challenges of traditional observability in Kubernetes, introduce Systems Thinking for a holistic perspective, apply Systems Thinking concepts to Kubernetes and discuss practical techniques using OpenTelemetry to observe Kubernetes entities effectively. It's like upgrading from navigating streets to understanding the entire urban ecosystem, providing a comprehensive view of system health and interactions.

In the realm of Kubernetes, Observability traditionally revolves around Logs, Metrics, and Traces, offering valuable insights into system performance and behaviour.

However, this approach often falls short in managing the overwhelming volume of generated data or grasping the intricate interactions among Kubernetes components, failing to present users with a simplified view of the system's health according to their needs.

To attain true comprehensive observability, a paradigm shift is essential. Applying 'Systems Thinking' provides a framework for understanding the relationships between different resources and their mutual impact.

Join us in this discussion where we will delve into:

  1. The challenges associated with using the conventional 3 Pillars Observability approach in the context of Kubernetes.
  2. An introduction to Systems Thinking concepts and how they can be utilised to identify Kubernetes entities, establish boundaries, understand functions, and formalise relationships.
  3. Applying Systems Thinking techniques such as abstraction and decomposition to facilitate a more holistic perspective of Kubernetes.
  4. Practical strategies for observing Kubernetes entities using the inherent correlation capabilities of the OpenTelemetry project.

Product Manager with a combined background on design, business, and engineering ● Proven track record for taking highly technical cloud-native solutions from 0 to 1 with a visual thinking approach to complexity ● Kubecon + CloudNativecon speaker