Building Resilient Observability Pipelines in Kubernetes with OpenTelemetry Collector
03-18, 11:30–12:00 (Europe/Paris), VIP Area

Deploying OpenTelemetry Collector on Kubernetes is straightforward with Helm charts and the Operator. However, achieving a robust and production-quality observability pipeline requires thoughtful configuration and experimentation.

In this talk, Juraci and Yuri draw from their real-world experience to guide you through the process of designing and implementing telemetry pipelines in Kubernetes. They delve into the intricacies of building resilient pipelines with OpenTelemetry Collector by exploring through a live demo around topics like the load-balancing exporter, memory-limiting and batching processors, as well as the internal sending queues, delivering a production-ready telemetry pipeline.

By attending this talk, you will get a deep understanding of common strategies for designing telemetry pipelines in Kubernetes and the practical knowledge to apply them effectively to your specific requirements.

As contributors to the OpenTelemetry Collector and Operator, we frequently encounter users who are able to get started with those components for testing and proof-of-concept environments, but are not confident enough to run it in production.

This session will empower users to reliably use the OpenTelemetry Collector and Operator in production, by explaining and demonstrating the use of strategies such as load balancing, batching, concurrency, and general resiliency techniques.

In his professional path, Yuri Sa has always been involved in helping companies achieve the next level of automation in their infrastructure environment. Throughout his 15 years of experience, he worked in critical environments as SysAdmin, SRE, and DevOps Engineer. One of his central beliefs is that all barriers between Developers and Operations teams should be removed; for that reason, he decided to contribute to open-source projects focused on observability in the past few years.

Juraci Paixão Kröhling is a seasoned software engineer, a Governance Committee member for the OpenTelemetry project, and an emeritus maintainer of the Jaeger project. With a strong focus on observability and open-source development, Juraci has delivered talks at conferences such as KubeCon EU, KubeCon NA, OpenSource Summit, Devoxx Belgium, FOSDEM, and various DevOpsDays. With deep expertise in distributed tracing and observability, Juraci empowers software engineers to optimize their applications and build reliable observability pipelines. Currently working at Grafana Labs, Juraci continues to shape the future of observability tools while passionately contributing to the open-source software engineering community.

Outside of work, Juraci is a proud parent of three kids and finds solace in the hobby of sleeping, albeit occasionally interrupted by the delightful chaos of parenting responsibilities.