Patrick Stephens
Over 20 years experience in software engineering, primarily in the defence domain at Thales. The last few years of this were focused on transformation first to containers then Kubernetes. After Thales I worked on the cloud native team at Couchbase, working on their Golang-based Kubernetes operator. This included producing a custom Fluent Bit deployment for observability needs. Calyptia (founded by the Fluent maintainers) then approached me to come work with them building out their observability products.
The key to successful Chat Ops is to be able to identify the important information
in a timely manner using the best communications channel for a team (which
could range from Slack to a bespoke App), and then enable the ops team to take
appropriate action.
The CNCF project Fluent Bit, has a number of core characteristics (event-driven
and stream analytics features) that allow us to recognize critical events and
event patterns as they occur without losing the benefits of traditional log
analytics and observability tools. Using Fluent Bit’s connectivity and extensibility
allows us to spot critical events and immediately communicate with the right ops
staff using social channels or apps in a flexible and versatile manner and return
actions to trigger suitable Fluent Bit events. All of which creates the opportunity
to react more quickly and even become proactive/preventative.