Anais Urlichs
Anaïs is a Developer Advocate at Aqua Security, where she contributes to Aqua’s cloud native open source projects. When she is not advocating DevOps best practices, she runs her own YouTube Channel centered around cloud native technologies. Before joining Aqua, Anais worked as SRE at Civo, a cloud native service provider, where she worked on infrastructure for hundreds of tenant clusters. Her passion lies in making tools and platforms more accessible to developers and community members.
Imagine the inevitable has already happened—you’ve had a security breach—and you’re now dealing with the aftermath. Organisations must act fast to ensure business returns to operations quickly while also figuring out how to prevent similar incidents in the future. By adopting new use cases, engineering teams are simultaneously accelerating the deployment of sensitive data across multi-cloud architectures and tapping into new risk factors.
In this talk, we will use the “Data Security Bang” analogy and learnings from resilience engineering to answer questions such as: How could we do more left of bang (prevention) to help with the speed of right of bang (remediation)? The audience will be guided through a set of example scenarios using Kanister, OPA, and Prometheus, in which they can make decisions on data security to guide the way towards a more robust infrastructure.