Visualizing Canary Rollouts with Istio and Helm
2019-05-19 , Main Hall

Istio is one of the most important things to happen to continuous delivery/deployment since Kubernetes. In this talk, you'll learn how to leverage Helm and Istio to create reliable automated deployment. To help us visualize the rollout we've built an interactive, open-source app and will ask audiences to help decide if a rollout continues or not.

The secret sauce uses a little-known feature of Helm to create arrays of Kubernetes stacks and Codefresh to manage custom health-checks and keeping the rollouts synchronized.

You don't want to miss this very visual and interactive talk.

Dan Garfield is a full-stack engineer, Google Developer Expert, and member of the Forbes Technology Council. As a Kubernaut and CI/CD expert, Dan has built tools for advanced deployment methodologies with Kubernetes, Helm, and Istio. His code and talks have been featured at conferences including Kubecon, Dev Week, Google Cloud Summit, SwampUp, Redis Conf and many more.