The App Developer's Kubernetes Toolbox
2019-05-19 , Main Hall

If you're developing applications on top of Kubernetes, you may be feeling overwhelmed with the vast number of developer tooling in the ecosystem at your disposal. Kubernetes is moving at a rapid pace, and it's becoming impossible to keep up with the latest and greatest development environments, debuggers, and build, test and deployment tools.

In this talk, we'll share from our experience building applications on top of Kubernetes at Bitnami. We'll take a look at the landscape and answer questions like "should my team be using minikube or a shared Kubernetes environment?", "what's the difference between Skaffold, Draft and Telepresence?" and "should I be building an operator or a Helm chart?". We'll try to discern which tools best fit a scenario or workflow by looking at real-world examples of Kubernetes applications.

Adnan Abdulhussein is a Software Engineer at Bitnami, where he works on building tools to make apps easier to run on Kubernetes. He contributes to the Kubernetes community as a co-chair of SIG-Apps and a core maintainer of the Helm project. Adnan is passionate about cloud-native infrastructure, developer tools & experience, open source and the possibility of time travel. He holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Bristol.