OpenTelemetry Tools You Should Never Leave the House Without
2023-11-05 , ROOM 2

Getting started with any new technology is challenging, but it doesn’t (always) have to be! Whether you’re new to observability or a seasoned practitioner new to OpenTelemetry, we’ll show you what to keep in your toolbox. This way, you spend less time figuring out why your data isn’t showing up and more time getting value from your telemetry.

We’ll begin by showing how you can get a quick start by using telemetrygen to generate telemetry. We’ll sneak in some problems to teach you about the common gotchas of instrumenting your services or exporting your data. Then we’ll show you how to debug those issues using the OpenTelemetry Collector. We’ll also demo some additional tools you may not be aware of!

Join us as we explore the diverse range of tools, techniques, and best practices for effective debugging in OpenTelemetry!

See also: Slides (8.3 MB)

Reese Lee joined the OpenTelemetry team at New Relic in 2021, bringing along her enthusiasm for providing quality technical support and enablement for observability end users. She primarily works in the OpenTelemetry End User Working Group to help increase awareness and adoption of the software, including running the monthly End User Discussion Group. She has spoken on topics related to the project, and is excited to contribute more to the OpenTelemetry community.

Alex Boten is a senior staff software engineer that has spent the last ten years helping organizations adapt to a cloud-native landscape by mashing keyboards. From building core network infrastructure to mobile client applications and everything in between, Alex has first-hand knowledge of how complex troubleshooting distributed applications is.

This led him to the domain of observability and contributing as an approver and maintainer to OpenTelemetry.