Carson J Anderson

DevX-O - Weave

Carson is a co-organizer of the Utah Gophers meetup and a fixture at the Utah Kubernetes meetup. He may be best known for his "Kubernetes Deconstructed" presentation but he has been speaking at conferences constantly ever since. He currently works at Weave on the Developer Experience team as the DevX-O (a made up title). As part of this team, he works constantly to improve the quality of life for developers at Weave.

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SLOs with Prometheus done wrong, wrong, wrong, right
Carson J Anderson

This session is an example of a practical use of recording rules to deal with high volumes of data or abstracting complex queries. It illustrates the power of the feature and also shows some common pitfalls. It is a session focused on showing how to get the most value out of a Prometheus installation. I hope to give people confidence to try to do new things by being very honest about our failures.