W. Watson

W. Watson has been professionally developing software for 30 years. He has spent numerous years studying game theory and other business expertise in pursuit of the perfect organizational structure for software co-operatives. He also founded the Austin Software Cooperatives meetup group and Vulk Coop as an alternative way to work on software as a group. He currently works on the Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Certification and the Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Test Suite.


A Reproducible Cloud Native 5G RAN
W. Watson

Join us as we demonstrate deploying a completely open source, reproducible, cloud native, 5G RAN in order to facilitate a phone call on stage using Kubernetes. We will be using a faraday cage, a universal radio, SRSRan, and Open5gs as the 5G core. When we are done you will have the steps, code, and the list of equipment needed to build, test, and debug a 5G network.