Jakub Pavlik

Jakub Pavlik is a co-founder, former CTO and chief architect of tcp cloud (acquired by Mirantis in 2016). Jakub and his team worked several years on the IaaS cloud platform based on OpenStack-Salt, Kubernetes and OpenContrail projects, which they deployed and operated for global large service providers. Currently he works as Director of Engineering at Volterra, where they are building Edge Services for Modern Applications using Istio and Kubernetes.

Speaker Opportunities


Managing Thousands of Edge k8s Clusters with GitOps
Jakub Pavlik

We will provide a comprehensive overview of how we’ve built a large scale, fully open sourced edge cloud platform. It maps the technology to real use cases and grows the community collaboration around realistic deployments. It will show real operational data at scale from one of the largest retailers in the world. The audience will see not only the k8s deployment but app orchestration across thousands of k8s clusters.

The Theater