Cloud Native Rejekts EU (Valencia) 2022

Buildscaler: An elastic Horizontal Pod Autoscaler framework for CI workloads
2022-05-14 , Gallery

This talk introduces Horizontal Pod Autoscaler based open source framework Buildscaler which provides seamless CI autoscaling for any build agent (Buildkite, CircleCI, etc) and any compute shape (x86, ARM, Mac). We will also share lessons learnt from running Buildscaler in production for 2+ years.

Continuous Integration systems are essential to maintaining engineering teams’ velocity, build resources must be online during the work day to service the developers’ builds. If the build infrastructure is too large, money is wasted; if it is too small, developers’ productivity is impaired.

Those systems provide metrics about builds and jobs, and that data can be used to scale up and down the number of workers servicing these systems.
Henry and Paweł will show how to instrument CI Agent deployment using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and External Metrics. For exporting metrics, Buildscaler, Elotl’s open source tool which exports CI metrics as External Metrics. Also, we will talk about autoscaling strategies for cluster autoscaling optimized for CI workloads.

Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for deploying CI systems irrespective of build agent of choice (Buildkite, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, etc). An optimally configured CI autoscaler empowers CI teams to seamlessly autoscale build agents and underlying infrastructure with the bursty nature of CI jobs without human intervention, along with being cost efficient.

This talk introduces Horizontal Pod Autoscaler based open source framework Buildscaler which provides seamless CI autoscaling for any build agent (Buildkite, CircleCI, etc) and any compute shape (x86, ARM, Mac). We will also share lessons learnt from running Buildscaler in production for 2+ years.

Platform Engineer at Elotl, Kubernetes & Go fan and amateur squash player. Likes to disassemble and reassemble the software

Henry Precheur has worked on free software projects like gmi2html, kgpdemux and scratchpad.