Rajas Kakodkar
Rajas Kakodkar is a Software Engineer at VMware. Currently, he works on Tanzu Community Edition and Tanzu Framework. In the past (at Persistent Systems) he has been part of the team which added s390x conformance test results to testgrid. He is an active contributor to the Kubernetes project mostly in sig-testing and sig-network areas.
Have you ever wondered how kube-proxy originated in Kubernetes? Are you familiar with the userspace mode of kube-proxy? Have you thought about what it takes to add a mode to kube-proxy? In this session we will go through the evolution of the kube-proxy, from userspace, to iptables mode to Next-Generation-Kube-Proxy also known as KPNG.
We will dig into the working of userspace mode of kube-proxy and showcase what it takes to add it as a backend to KPNG. Attendees will get to know about the improvements introduced in KPNG over the current implementation of kube-proxy, the algorithms behind an intuitive “user space” proxy, and how to reason about kube-proxy’s logic in any mode, using a generic model. We promise to demonstrate KPNG in userspace mode and compare the performance with kube-proxy in userspace mode and exhibit how it performs better with KPNG.