SPIFFE runs in the cloud, but can it run on my laptop?
2024-11-10 , Flex Space

SPIFFE promises to be an industry game-changer using workload identity to empower platform engineering and security teams to deliver highly automated and secure intra-service communication across any cloud or platform. Workloads that run in the cloud invariably will begin life on a laptop. For developers to properly embrace SPIFFE and build highly automated, identity-aware applications, they need to test their applications with SPIFFE natively into their local environment.

This session will provide valuable insights and practical solutions, allowing developers to test their applications locally end-to-end and ensure seamless integration with other microservices applications, enhancing their work efficiency and productivity. It showcases the different solutions for getting SPIFFE Verifiable Identities to workstations and extending existing SPIFFE infrastructure to the edge.

For getting adoption of Cloud Native software like SPIFFE & SPIRE, three requirements need to be met:
1. It needs to be secure
2. It needs to be reliable
3. It needs to be easy to integrate with

SPIFFE & SPIRE have already met the first two requirements but still need to meet the third requirement of making it easy to integrate. This talk aims to give people the tools and knowledge to tackle this problem and showcase that it can be easy.

Mattias is working as Director of Tech at Venafi, specializing in helping companies with their Cloud Native strategy. A strong open-source enthusiast, Mattias has been active in the Cloud Native ecosystem since the early days when Kubernetes was first established.

More recently, he has focused on DevSecOps. With a deep interest in Cloud Native Security, Software Supply Chain Security, and Workload Identity, he regularly shares his insights on how to adopt cutting-edge security practices.