Mastering Zero Downtime: Container State Replication for Seamless Migrations on Kubernetes
2024-11-10 , Flex Space

In this talk we will explore the complexities of managing stateful Kubernetes workloads in modern cloud environments.

Maintaining state is crucial for many workloads, but existing application-layer solutions like Postgres's WAL or Cassandra's node replication only ensure data consistency - they don't prevent downtime when nodes go offline or are interrupted.

To address these challenges, we introduce container state replication, a new approach that enables zero-downtime migrations for stateful workloads on Kubernetes.

We will then introduce Drafter, an open-source framework that can standardize live migration on Kubernetes. The session will feature a live demo showing Drafter's ability to replicate and migrate stateful workloads on Kubernetes across continents without downtime or network disruption.

Attendees will learn about the limitations of traditional application-layer replication solutions and how container state replication can enable true zero-downtime live migrations.

Shivansh is a long-time open-source developer who started his Cloud Native journey back in 2018 at IBM where his work centred around various container and Kubernetes platforms. He was also actively involved in the early days of service meshes, and today, he is the Founder and CEO of Loophole Labs where he is actively focused creating new developer primitives by leveraging WebAssembly. He created and is currently a core maintainer of the fRPC, Polyglot, and Scale projects.