Have Half The Mesh With Half The Mess
2024-11-11 , Theater

Have you ever wanted to enjoy the benefits of a service mesh but didn't want to deal with all the overhead? Projects Linkerd, Knative, and Istio are all highly capable and advanced platforms! But they come with non-trivial installation and management burdens.

What if you could leverage some of the features and power of a service mesh without the overhead? Good news: you can!
This talk will show you how you can run two different, ultra-lightweight solutions to provide some of the powerful service mesh features you love without all the mess. Agenda:

  1. The basics of xDS
  2. Using a ConfigMap and a sidecar to get service mesh features without a control plane
  3. Running a custom lightweight xDS control plane and smart gRPC clients to get service mesh features without a sidecar

In short: How you can get the features you want with a sidecar and no control plane; or a control plane with no sidecar.
Like chocolate and peanut butter: they go great together, but are also great on their own!

Carson is a co-organizer of the Utah Gophers meetup and a fixture at the Utah Kubernetes meetup. He may be best known for his "Kubernetes Deconstructed" presentation but he has been speaking at conferences constantly ever since. He currently works at Weave on the Developer Experience team as a Principal Engineer (real title) or alternatively, as the DevX-O (a made up title). As part of this team, he works constantly to improve the quality of life developers by building tooling on top of cloud native infrastructure.