Matteo Bianchi

Matteo is a seasoned engineer. Starting as a web developer covered diverse roles, from Java dev to full stack dev. He later embraced DevOps and Cloud and a few years later, ventured into freelancing as Cloud Native Consultant, while digital nomading across Europe.

Builder, startup lover, advocate for Cloud Native technologies and active member of the CNCF community, Matteo is a k8s enthusiast and aspires to impact IT through Platform Engineering.
@mbianchidev on (almost) every social media


I explained eBPF to my grandma!
Matteo Bianchi

Picture yourself in a cozy after-work evening spent with your lovely Kubernetes-aware grandma. She asks you about your day, which you mostly spent working with eBPF. Can you describe it in gradma-friendly words?

We know our sweet spot is the kitchen lingo, so we'll uncover the secrets of eBPF to our grandmas, presenting it as the secret ingredient for transforming a tiny family-owned restaurants into a Michelin-star kitchen brigade.

Leveraging our trademarked Grandma Benchmark™, we'll use simple food analogies to explain eBPF for those that never head of it. The session will cover the basics of the technology and the current state of the art, how it enables real-time analysis of network packets, and how it's employed in large-scale cloud native projects. We will explore a parallelism between eBPF and how chefs orchestrate their kitchens, to ensure all food is served with top-notch quality, with no client getting food poisoned (or hacked).

Flex Space