2019-11-17 –, The Gallery
In the classic animated series Voltron, five heroes unite to form a giant superrobot to defend the universe from evil. Just like Voltron, the power of each individual CNCF project lies in its unique strengths -- that when combined with other projects, create mega-powerful infrastructure.
In this talk, we will form our own Voltron to defend our application by building a container (CRI-O), adding a scheduler (Kubernetes), monitoring (Prometheus), traffic splitting (Linkerd), and package management (Helm). You’ll leave with an understanding of today’s open-source infrastructure ecosystem and how CNCF projects are better together.
Carol is a Software Engineer at Buoyant, where she is a core contributor to the Linkerd service mesh. She focuses on Linkerd’s web API, dashboard and CLI. In addition to Kubernetes, the CNCF technologies she works most closely with are Prometheus and Grafana.