Hosting a Helm repository on github pages
2019-11-16 , The Gallery

What if you could have your Helm charts directly updated and hosted on Github pages after each new commit?

Hosting a helm repository does not have to be complicated nor involve running a dedicated web server for that!

Actually, hosting static files in the only requirements to host a Helm repository, and what is the most commonly used static file hosting service among developers? Github it is !

In this quick presentation, we'll see
* what a helm chart repository is at its core (spoiler alert: it's pretty straightforward!)
* what key helm CLI commands are necessary to build / update a helm repo
* how to integrate those commands in a nice CI environment for auto update of the Helm repository on commit!

Software Developer for 10+ years, my favorite topics are containerization (Docker and Kubernetes), building tools, Continuous Integration and, of course, core Java development.

Working for Adaptive, I currently work on CI, containerization and deployment of our products.

On my spare time, I work on various open source projects: from Twitter bots written in NodeJS, to Android apps - with of course their corresponding Docker images if possible :-)