The Missing Voices: Unearthing the Impact of Survivorship Bias on Women in Cloud Native
2025-03-30 , The Nash

The Cloud Native is missing women's voices. We see it at CNCF conferences and Cloud Native meetups almost everywhere.

While we celebrate women who've "made it", and their visibility is vital, survivorship bias hides a crucial truth: up to half leave tech by age 35, we leave at a higher rate than men, and many never even join.

This talk exposes our own bias as women survivors in tech. The success stories of women around us overshadow the struggles of those who've fallen away, leading to misguided initiatives and hindering true inclusion. There is a dire need to identify and address these issues and implement successful initiatives to make our communities more diverse.

Whether you’re a contributor, maintainer, or community leader, this session will give you a deeper understanding of the problem and tangible ways to drive change in your circles. Be part of the solution for a genuinely inclusive cloud native community!

Imma is a Staff Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs who loves automating things and anything that helps get apps from development to production.

She enjoys sharing with local communities and helping them connect and thrive. You can find her co-organizing Grafana’s meetups in Barcelona and Madrid, Cloud Native Barcelona meetups, Software Crafters Barcelona, and KCD Barcelona 2024.

She also volunteers as a coach and board member at the TechFems Barcelona community and collaborates as a judge with Technovation Girls.

She is a Bruce Springsteen fan. No surrender!