Nigel Douglas

Nigel Douglas is the Head of Developer Relations at Cloudsmith. He champions Cloudsmith’s developer ecosystem by creating compelling educational content, engaging with developer communities, and promoting Cloudsmith as the go-to solution for artifact management and supply chain security. Working closely with product, engineering, and marketing teams, Nigel helps build and shape the DevOps community through events, tutorials, and innovative programs.

Before joining Cloudsmith, Nigel held similar roles in cloud-native OSS projects, including the CNCF Graduate Project Falco at Sysdig and Project Calico at Tigera. He earned a Master of Science in Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust from South East Technological University in Ireland.

Job Title & Company (eg. Developer Advocate at xyz)

Head of Developer Relations, Cloudsmith


API-Driven Security Automation for AKS: Falco Talon meets eBPF-powered Retina
Nigel Douglas, Joe Yostos

With Falco recently graduating from the CNCF, the project continues to evolve to address community challenges. The latest addition, Falco Talon, is a dedicated response engine for Falco.

In this talk, we’ll demonstrate building an API-driven response action for Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to mitigate risks based on Falco’s system call detections and Retina's advanced network observability. Microsoft has already open-sourced Retina, an eBPF-based, cloud-agnostic Kubernetes Network Observability platform. While Retina is planned for CNCF donation, automating its activities based on Falco detections is a powerful novel use-case.

Retina monitors application and network security, allowing annotations to specify which Pods to observe. In our demo, we’ll showcase how a Falco detection triggers a Talon response action, automatically annotating workloads when insecure or unusual behaviour is detected, enhancing automation and security for Kubernetes environments.

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