Sreeram Venkitesh

Sreeram is a Senior Software Engineer at DigitalOcean and is an active contributor in the Kubernetes community. One of the recipients of the Kubernetes Contributor Awards in 2024, he has been contributing to Kubernetes from 2022. He was part of the Kubernetes release team from v1.29 to v1.32 and was the enhancements sub-team lead for the v1.31 release cycle. He also helps write the Last Week in Kubernetes Development newsletter and has made contributions as part of the special interest groups for kubelet and kube-apiserver. Read about all of Sreeram's contributions here in his blog.

Job Title & Company (eg. Developer Advocate at xyz)

Senior Software Engineer at DigitalOcean


The future of configurability in Kubernetes with Common Expression Language (CEL)
Priyanka Saggu, Sreeram Venkitesh

Support for Common Expression Language (CEL) is a popular feature in Kubernetes which is being added to new areas of the project each release. CEL makes configuring existing features like validations for CRDs easier and efficient than how it was done before. CEL is very powerful and expressible with how we can use it and because of this, it is quickly becoming a standard in Kubernetes. This talk goes into the details of Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal #4595 - Adding CEL support for CRD additionalPrinterColumns.

Currently CRD additionalPrinterColumns only lets you use JSONPath to configure how to print data when fetching custom resources with kubectl get. When dealing with more complex data such as lists or arrays, JSONPath becomes very difficult to work with. Adding support for CEL would let users configure expressions to print more complex data and do conditional operations on the data.

This talk goes into the details of how CEL works, how CRD additionalPrinterColumns work and how we added CEL support for it.

The Waterloo