Hannah Foxwell
Hannah is Product Director for Snyk Container. With over a decade of DevOps behind us, Hannah continues to champion the human and cultural elements of technology transformation, shining a light on the engineering practices that make life better for the people involved in platform engineering. Hannah is co-organiser for DevOpsDays London and is an Open UK ambassador and community leader.
Over the past 5 years Hannah has seen teams succeed, struggle and fail to launch development platforms on Kubernetes. The worst of these platforms are burning time, burning money and burning out their engineers. Having seen what works and doesn’t work in the real world it’s clear that Product Management is needed for these Platforms to deliver value and delight developers.
Platform as a Product is becoming mainstream for organisations investing in their developer experience. Whether you’re a Product Manager or Engineer, this talk will give you a cheat sheet for the most important product practices you need to know when bringing a product mindset to platform engineering.