Rachid Zarouali

Rachid is a cloud expert involved in multiple opensource experts program Docker Captain, Microsoft MVP, Snyk ambassador, ...and also an international speaker and trainer

In his previous roles as head of the infrastructure team for the French registry and C.I.O of a worldwide

recognized CRM and E-COMMERCE agency, he recognized the need to bring the latest technology at a production level to businesses of all sizes and founded sevensphere.

Through sevensphere, Rachid offers training and consultancy for companies striving to dive into microservices container based infrastructure.

Husband and father, Rachid spends his spare time, participating in a number of OSS communities, teaching cloud computing architecture at a software engineering school.


Large Scale Kubernetes Deployment: Leverage the Power of the Cluster-API
Rachid Zarouali

Deploying a kubernetes cluster is an easy task, managing and debugging is a harder one.
Let's see what it means when you have to deploy hundreds of clusters at once, probably deployed on several cloud providers simultaneously. Managing all of them even with gitops tooling can really be challenging.
I built this hands-on to walk you through the cluster-api project, help you learning what are the benefits but more importantly how you can leverage its ease of use and powerful features.
While other solutions exist to deploy and manage at large scale, we'll also explore why the cluster-api is definitely the GoTo solution.
Prepare yourself to dig in, and discover throughout several realworld use-cases I've prepared for you, how really easy it is to use kubernetes primitive to manage your clusters at large scale.

The Warehouse